Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie First Birthday tickers

Thursday, July 18, 2013

Grandbee's Visit

Well, we definitely miss our Grandbee and realize just how lucky we were to have her for almost a month:) There are days when I say Grandbee's name and Iris asks where she is. I just respond that she is with GrandDan (who we know missed having his wife around) However, Iris loves it when Grandbee calls to chat (although every question Grandbee asks has an answer of yes).  Here are a few photos from her visit:
Tea with Peter Rabbit
This one makes me laugh. Grandbee had just made this dogbed cover for the dogs and we placed it on the backporch. I went inside for a second and came back and Iris was laid out on it.

Her new bike and helmet (from Grandbee, of course)

Looking at pictures of herself on phone.

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