Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie First Birthday tickers

Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Here Comes Santa Claus

This is the outside of Santa's house. The first time we went to sit in his lap was during a downtown Christmas party and the line was 50 people deep. I made Iris stand outside and take a picture because I physically can't stand for an hour! She is wearing her favorite skirt (inside out) that was a gift from South Africa.

The next time we visit, we make it inside the house. Notice how she is leaning against the wall. She wouldn't get any closer. She did tell Santa what she wanted, but wouldn't sit in his lap. I was laughing so hard and am sure that didn't help the situation.

Relief, I let let her leave the house! Notice her see through black dance skirt:)

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