Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie First Birthday tickers

Saturday, April 14, 2012

Baby Girl's 6 Month Stats

She is now 7 months, but I wanted to record her 6 month check up.
Weight: 15 lbs 4 oz    39%
Height: 26 inches       71%
Head: 17.5 inches       90%

So, just like her mama (who wears a mens large ski helmet), baby girl is going to have a big head. Thats ok, we are just thankful it wasn't big at birth!
Some of her favorite things:
~babbling constantly (all consonant sounds).
~reading books and turning the pages herself. Mom is quite proud of her hand-eye-coordination!
~Parsons, Parsons, and Parsons.
~being tickled by her daddy.
~hiking with mom. She will talk the entire time and everyone we meet always says she has a huge smile on her face (I can't see her since she is on my back).
~Soultown channel on Sirius radio.
~eating any veggies (peas, greenbeans, pumpkin, sweet potato, squash, and avacado). She loves rice cereal too.
~She eats 8oz every four hours
~She sleeps from 7:30-7:30.
~Her two bottom teeth have broken through

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