Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie First Birthday tickers

Sunday, November 15, 2015

Loving LifeI

I absolutely adore this picture. Happy Happy Girl

Yep, those are your two teeth, your uneven cow-lick, amber necklace, and drooled soaked bib. Happy Happy Girl

You love your big sister and your big sister loves you. Big sis kept saying, "Awe" while feeding you.

Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Class of 2028

1st Day of Preschool as a Monkey in the Middle. She picked out her outfit.

Thursday, August 13, 2015

Girls Weekend

So, we were lucky enough to have both my mom and aunt keep the girls while we were in Mexico. It seems like we weren't missed at all!!!

This ain't your first rodeo......

Actually, it was your first rodeo and you were looking good in your Wranglers.........

Monday, July 27, 2015

Laugh Out Loud

  Ok, so you are one of the funniest people I know (even at your age!)
Here are happenings that make me laugh out loud:

  • We were cleaning out sandbox the other day (haven't opened it in weeks) and there were a bunch of green snakes. I freaked out, screamed, jumped, fell over, etc. You looked at me a few minutes later and said " Mommy don't dream about those snakes tonight, just dream about Disney princesses". You are totally a Disney girl.

  • I was feeding G on the couch and you were riding bikes outside. You came up the stairs with your hands closed over something. You said, "Mommy I have a very special surprise for you, please close your eyes." I did. When I opened them, you had a dead mouse that you were petting in my face. Once again, I freaked out and screamed bloody murder. You said, mommy don't be scared, its not real.

  • I threw away a baby doll that you use in the bath and you found it in the trash can. You were so mad. I heard you in the bathroom saying, "This is so rude, I can't believe how rude this is".

  • The other day you walked outside and said, "its so freaking hot".

  • I told you around lunchtime that you could watch a movie after dinner. A bit later you had your PJs on with a pull up. At the time I couldn't figure out why, but it was b/c you were ready to watch that movie

  • You take swim lessons 2x a week and love it. You act like you are a mermaid and make me say " I thought I saw a mermaid when you go under water.

  • You love to eat your boogers. You were drinking bath water the other day and I said yuck, you like to eat boogers and drink bath water?? You said, yes mommy, its my favorite.

  • You don't like wearing under ware and it drives your dad crazy.

  • I love it when you sing...other than Frozen songs, your favs are: No Parking on the Dance Floor and Stop in the Name of Love

  • You said, "Mommy, when I poop I love the smell of it". I said, why? You said, I don't know, its just really lovely."

Growing up this summer......

So, here are your 5 month stats (we were a month late on the 4 month visit:)
Length: 26 in........85%ile
Weight: 14 lbs 5 oz.........45%ile
Head: 16.5 in ........60%ile

Here are your 6 month stats:

Length: 27 in.......94%ile
Weight: 15 lbs 3 oz......30%ile
Head:  17 in.......85%ile

More about you......
As you can see in the above pic, you grab anything and love to touch my face.
  • You had a big red bump on your head and I said, dang you must have gotten bitten by a bug. Iris said, No mommy that is where I hit her with my barbie, she was pulling my hair!
  • You love, love, love, the dogs and cat. Your fact lights up when they are around. Parsons lets you do whatever with him, so you take advantage of that!
  • When you laugh, you scrunch your nose and sometimes snort.
  • You still take a bottle every 3 hrs and eat 3 meals a day. In fact, I have to stop feeding you b/c you have never stopped eating food on your own. You easily eat a entire pouch at a time and would keep eating more if I let you.
  • You love to kiss me. Your kiss is an open mouth graze.
  • You love swimming with Iris and I at the pool. We go 3-4 times a week. Sometimes you just lay back in my arms and float....totally relaxed
  • You talk and babble constantly, especially to the dogs.
  • You take 3 naps a day.

Friday, June 12, 2015

Monday, May 25, 2015

Surprise Party

The party was amazing. I have the actual surprise on video, but am having trouble loading. Will post later. He basically turned white and almost fainted. Thank goodness the wall was behind him for support. 

You can't tell, but the cake has a picture of Keith wearing a mullet wig. I must have a close up picture on phone. Will post it later too.

The girls didn't eat dinner, all they wanted was cake!

The party house. Other than the tacky air brush, the house was perfect.  

Sunday, May 10, 2015

Easter Day

I realize I am over a month late, but here are pictures from Easter Day

Check out that hair

I think most of candy was gone by the afternoon.

This was after church

She and dad went skiing, while baby G and I hung out at base of mountain. I made her change into her ski clothes in the car and she thought that was the best thing ever. She said, "Mommy, I've never been naked in the car"

Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Happy St Patty's Day

She is actually a BIG lucky charm........growing more and more every day!

Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Two Month Old Stats

 My sweet baby is growing!!!
 Length: 23 in     75%ile
Weight: 11 lbs 2 oz   65%ile
Head: 15.5 in     70%ile

You have dark hair that curls up during bath (which you love). You squeak, grunt, neigh, and now coo all the time. You sleep in your sister's room in your crib, awaking 1-2 times a night. Parsons continues his baby protecting duties that he learned with Iris.

You had RSV (respiratory virus, common cold in adults) and didn't have to go to hospital, when 90% of newborns with it, end up in hospital. I'm 100% sure that you got the virus from your sister. Look at how she loves to kiss you ( and how you open your mouth).

Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Miss Priss

This one will keep you on your toes. She is so funny. Today, she came home from school and said, "Miss Kathy didn't teach music class today, she was stuck in Denver. Yeah, there must have been a lot of mud!" 

Tuesday, February 24, 2015

First bath

Well, she didn't scream, although that look on her face tells me she isn't so certain.  She ends up loving it. I've given her at least a dozen baths and never has she cried. Unlike big sister, who didn't like baths until the tub. 

Look at those cheeks!

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Downtown Gigi Brown

Here are baby Gigi's 2 week stats:
Weight:7 lbs 9 oz    25%ile
Length: 21 in           80%ile
Head: 13.75 in        30%ile
You eat every 3 hours. You make tons of noises & are especially good at squeaking. You sleep when in the car carrier, so errands are easy. Some nights you sleep great, others you like to stay up tip midnight. Babywise an bottle feedings will begin soon.

Proud Sister

Iris pitched a fit when she realized she didn't have her bunny headband on during the first pictures.

Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Winter Fun

First day of 3 year old Winter Sports Club. She wasn't sure at first, but says she loves it.

Little Frosty