Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie First Birthday tickers

Sunday, August 25, 2013

The Big Apple

Central Park. She wanted to be near Big Bird and it didn't matter if it wasn't her turn. She kept trying to touch him and bawled when we left.

Another pic from Central Park

Big Uncle Frank and myself at his "gig"

On "Top of the Rock" the observation deck on top of the Rockefeller Center.

Carousel in Central park.

Ferry over to Fire Island

Hanging with the boys

Riding Wagon around the island


Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Farm Day

 We went to our daycare's "farm day" a few weeks ago. Can you believe there are camels that live in our mountain town?? She loved them. I'm not sure what she was feeding the big guy, but he would lick her hand and she would laugh and squeal........everyone was quite entertained by her reactions!

K. the camel whisper.  Look at those lips

Sunday, August 4, 2013

Hahns Peak Lake Camping

Here is little girl's first "official" time camping. I don't consider camping at our personal camp spot at our house real camping, b/c we always end up at our house!

She loved, loved, loved the tent. She would walk into it & check out the zippers, then walk out and to the truck and back. She did this at least 20 times.

Little Daniel Boone

The campsite was great for biking. We would ride around the camp, down to lake and back. She loves being able to sit in front of me and actually see.

Happy Camper