Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie First Birthday tickers

Saturday, July 21, 2012

A Day in the life of..........

Our baby is 10.5 months and changing by the hour.
Here is more about her:

  • head full of hair and always has bed head. When she falls asleep in car, one side of her head (usually her left side) is sweating and just curls up and sticks out.
  • eats a lot. for breakfast~strawberries, applesauce, and cereal. lunch~ carrots, avocado, rice, cheese and/or sweet pot. dinner~ cereal and whatever we are having. She is really doing well with feeding herself
  • she loves looking at our refrigerator. she will sit and wave her hands and look at all of Chance's artwork and our photos.
  • falls constantly. she tries to let go of whatever she is holding onto, but her balance doesn't last.
  • can find the smallest particle on the floor and immediately it goes into her mouth.
  • loves to clap.
  • always saying dada, mama, and laddieladdieladdie.
  • sticks her butt out when standing and dancing
  • soooooooooo cute!!!!!!!!!!!!

Friday, July 20, 2012

Let's Rodeo

Gearing up for my first rodeo

My shirt says Ride Cowgirl Ride

Upon our return from Bozeman, Montana we geared up to hit the Steamboat rodeo. Aunt Anne, Grandbee and Iris went shopping at the cowboy store while K and I secured an outside table at a restaurant a few blocks from rodeo. Of course, it started raining when we finished dinner and headed to the rodeo. The rain made the arena a huge muddy mess. It was a mudpit, but that didn't stop the cowboys (and made for grand entertainment. Iris made it til 9 and conked out on the ride home. Pictures from Bozeman coming soon..........

Thursday, July 12, 2012


i am taking a technology class (web tools) and was playing around with voicethread. let me see if i can link this photo of iris and a stethoscope (she was told how her Uncle Frank used this for work!)
You have to click on iris wearing a red onesie
There are two short voices with photos. Click on the white arrow on bottom right to see the 2nd

Sunday, July 8, 2012

Almost 10 months old...........

Just figuring out this crawling thing. Her big head has been holding her back!

I just love the expression on her face in this pic. She sat and read this book for a good 15 minutes. Notice that it is upside down.