Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie First Birthday tickers

Monday, December 5, 2011

Successful Night.......Can she possibly be "babywised"?

I really don't like this book, how many babies sleep through the night at 8 weeks (as the author says is normal). However, I do like the fact that my 11 week old slept from midnight to 7.30 AM. Can she possibly be babywised? More to come

Look What the Cat Dragged In

Its a baby snow ferret that is currently in a Mason jar awaiting show and tell on Friday.  Good job Tom the Cat!

Sunday, December 4, 2011

Thanksgiving at the Gulf

Mama Mary outdid herself

Reeling in the big one

Iris' first friend, Anna James
Frank Beacham#1 & Frank Beacham #2

We are thankful for our family & our friends

Sunday, November 20, 2011

2 Month Check Up

Here are your 2 month stats:

1) Length: 22.5 in      52%ile
2) Weight: 9.8 lbs      19%ile
3) Head: 15 in            30%ile

You have cradle cap (dry skin on forhead), but we have started rubbing olive oil on it prior to bathtime and it sure does look better.

You also have a stork bite on the back of your neck. This red beauty mark will disappear in a few years.

  • You still love your changing table.
  • When you are eating or just happy, you love to kick your right foot back and forth.
  • I love it when I have you on my shoulder and you suckle on my shoulder. You aren't hungry (b/c you just ate), but you like to suck on my skin!!

You are finally healthy, now that you are on Alimentum formula. The reason you are on this EXPENSIVE stuff is because you have a dairy & soy allergy and mama can't eliminate both from her vegetarian diet. Oh well, nothing but the best for this little one.

Friday, November 4, 2011

This is my weird look. Happy Halloween

My Personality

  I don't like having straps put on me in the carseat

However, once snuggled in I love to sleep in the carseat!

I LOVE hanging out on my changing table.  In fact, it is my FAVORITE thing to do. I like practice my
                                                                                    dance moves with my arms and legs.
                                                                                    My best move is "the punch"


Wednesday, November 2, 2011

We love Auntie Sarah

We loved having Sarah at the house for 3 days.
She is a good burper and is very patient.

Saturday, October 29, 2011

I Feel Like a Burrito

One Iris stuffed burrito coming right up

Happy 8th Birthday to My Big Brother!

Iris likes Chancen's laugh
Chancen's birthday was on Friday and we celebrated on Thursday. He chose to eat dinner at the Panda Chinese Restaurant and then picked up an Oreo Blizzard from Dairy Queen. He ate a TON!!!

Saturday, October 22, 2011

Little Miss Sunflower

I was trying to show Iris' size compared to a sunflower (which is almost the same!)

Reasons we miss my mom........

Top 10 Reasons Why We Miss Mary "GrandBee" Beacham:

1. cheese pancakes  for breakfast
2. humming to Iris to make her smile
3. changing her diaper when no one else wants to
4. her crock pot lasagna
5. going out to lunch
6. keith ripped his pants today and no one to fix them
7. no one to discuss Iris' most recent discomfort or reason for crying
8. no one else will rock Iris to sleep (goes against Baby Wise)

9. chancen wants someone to play basketball and Bayblades with.
10.because love having her here!!!!

We miss you!!

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Cross Eyed

I have been trying to get the "right" picture for the baby announcement. I have a TON of ones I can't use. However, I love it when she is cross eyed. Keith says I shouldn't use it for the announcement.

2nd Anniversary on Sunday October 16th

Keith & I had a lovely day. We took a hike around the property (as Chance watched Iris sleep) and Keith made us lunch.

Iris was rather fussy.

We dressed up in our wedding attire and tried to take a self portrait.
I cooked us dinner (sauteed shrimp, broccoli and mashed potatoes).
However, as Iris does best, she woke up just as I served dinner. I ended up nursing her at the table.

Cloth Diapers

So, do you like me in my fuchsia Bum Genius cloth diaper?

or, my shamrock one?

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Visit With Dad, Frank, Stephanie (Mom was already here)

Uncle Frank Cooing at Iris

Dad was beat after playing golf with Keith. We found it amusing to watch him get up and move around

Frank and Steph with Parsons and Henry.  Parsons missed ya'll when you left, The only time he has ever slept downstairs was when you were here!!!

Saturday, October 8, 2011

Three Week Anniversary

A little over 3 weeks ago I couldn't really bend over

3 Weeks ago I was throwing up and exhausted

Today, I am actually rested and loving my little peanut!!

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Iris peanut Fulk at 2.5 weeks old

Iris is such a little peanut. She went for her 2 week checkup yesterday:
weight: 6.3 lbs  (3rd percentile)
height: 20 in (35th percentile)